Carioca Runs
1-3 Reverse Turn – Backward Rock on Right Foot – Shadow Botafogo – Ronde with Foot Flick – Carioca Runs – Solo Volta Spot Turn to Left – Promenade to Counter Promenade Runs.
Commence Facing DC
1 – 3. LF fwd into Reverse Turn to end backing LOD. 1a2
4-6. RF back into Backward Rock on RF, allowing the Close Hold to slightly extend e/o step 6
in preparation for the following figure. SQQ
7 – 9. LF fwd into Shadow Botafogo, releasing R to L hand hold leading partner to turn slightly to R. Commence facing DW against LOD to end facing DW.
Lady: RF fwd into Shadow Botafogo turning slightly to R to face DW and end facing DW against LOD. 1a2
10-11. Ronde RF fwd across LF, then flick LF fwd using a soft loose action, releasing L to R hand hold. 1,2
12-14. LF slightly closes towards RF, RF fwd passing behind partner, LF to side turning 1/4 to R, using a foot flick with RF.
Lady: RF slightly closes towards LF, LF fwd passing in front of partner, RF to side turning 1/4 to L using a foot flick with LF. QQS&
15-17. Repeat steps 12-14 Carioca Runs on opposite foot. QQS&
18-20. Repeat steps 12-14 Carioca Runs. QQS&
21-23. Repeat steps 15-17 Carioca Runs. QQS&
24-26. LF crossed in front of RF into Solo Volta Spot Turn to Left to end facing DW.
Lady:RF crossed in front of LF into Solo Volta Spot Turn to Right, slightly overturned, to end backing DW. 1a2
27-35 RF fwd into Promenade to Counter Promenade Runs. 123,123,123